Snowbound The Blizzard Podcast Episode 26: WoW Price Check In Cloning Aisle And Overwatch Anniversary Skins

Welcome to this episode of Snowbound, Ready Check Raideo's Blizzard podcast. Join our hosts as each week they dive into the latest and greatest from the World of Warcraft and chime in on all things Blizzard! Snowbound is recorded live on our Twitch channel each Tuesday at 7 PM Eastern. Stop by and hang out with us!

It seems like if enough people complain, Blizzard may just change things as Warcraft’s cloning service for Classic just got a price change, Sloot interviews Lead Developer Morgan Day and the results are mixed, and we dive into Overwatch’s Anniversary (and the new skins) ahead of the big PvP reveal for Overwatch 2 later this week!

Check out Sloot’s Entire Interview here!


Snowbound The Blizzard Podcast Episode 27: Overwatch 2's Big PvP Reveal, 5v5, And Blizzard's Turnover


Snowbound The Blizzard Podcast Episode 25: TBC Classic Prices Draw Anger And Overwatch 2 Is Getting Reveal