The Relic Grind: The FFXIV/Square Enix Podcast Episode 38: Examining FFXIV’S Dungeons And Raids & No Outriders Royalties?
Welcome to the latest episode of The Relic Grind, Ready Check Raideo's FFXIV/Square Enix podcast. Join our hosts as each week they dive into the latest and greatest from the world of Final Fantasy XIV and chime in on all things Square Enix! The Relic Grind is recorded live on our Twitch channel each Thursday at 7 PM Eastern. Stop by and hang out with us!
Hot on the heels of last week’s show, we continue the “new player” discussion in FFXIV by looking at raids, dungeons, trials, and some other key PvE pieces of content to see if they really are all that new players may expect them to be (and how they can be improved!) After that, it appears that Outriders hasn’t made any royalty money yet…but the Avengers expansion does give you a whole 3 hours of new content…yawn…